Rosh Hashanah

Shalom chevre (friends!)

Next Friday Night, September 18th, will begin Rosh HaShanah, the celebration in our tradition of the New Year. Our liturgy recalls that some of us will be “written in the Book of Life” and some will be “written in the Book of Death”. These words are felt even more viscerally this year, the way that each of us, although socially distanced, have had our fates so intricately intertwined during this time of pandemic. But our tradition also calls upon us to seize life, to pursue it with all our hearts, that love of GD/GDESS, the Source, means to cherish the breath of all life. That’s why we are saying “L’CHAYIM” this High Holy Day season, as we honor in solidarity our struggles and challenges this past year, and rededicate ourselves to the caling of living lives of — Teaching, Learning, and Generating; 
Avodah— Sacred Service, making meaning in the every day wonder and blessing of life; and Gemilut Chasidim— kindness manifested in actions, truth and justice. 

We hope you will join us for the momentous season beginning with Rosh HaShanah 5781. Erev (Evening) Services on Friday, September 18th begin @6:45pm and Saturday morning September 19th which begin at 10:00am, and  will be held via ZOOM (link:
THEN Sunday morning, September 20th we will be gathering in person at Lincoln Park @10:00am for services, live shofar blowing, apples and honey, and tashlich! For health safety, pre-registration is required. Please email to join us at Lincoln Park.  Services will still be available through ZOOM at the link above.