Mishnah with a Mission

Tuesday night @7pm we continue with MISHNAH WITH A MISSION This week we are continuing our deep-dive into that revolutionary prayer, The Shema, and how the whole is more cosmically …

Lunch and Learn with Zoom

THURSDAY@12:30pm we continue with our Lunch & Learn Series on The Book of Exodus This week we are examining a complicated legal and spiritual vision for what Shlemut (Wholeness) could …


TU B’SHVAT SEDER: BRIDGING HEAVEN AND EARTHw/ Rabbi Michael Cohen of the Aravah InstituteTuesday, January 26th @7pm-8:30pmZOOM Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6557526954The Arava Institute is an environmental and academic institution in the Middle East, …


Shalom chevre (friends)!  Chag Sukkot Sameach! Happy Sukkot, the holiday in which we commemorate our experience as wanderers in the wilderness and our connections to the natural cycles of the …