To read Rabbi Mullin’s latest messages as well as archived ones, please go to: http://bnaijacobjc.com/divrei-torah-and-more/
Shalom B’nai Jacob!
I’m Rabbi Bronwen Mullin and I am so honored to serve as your new rabbi. While your beautiful sanctuary was awe-inspiring and your president and board members warm and welcoming, it’s the history of this community that makes me really excited to join the team. This is a community that has had the grit to create firm foundations against all odds, the love and commitment to build long-lasting relationships spanning generations, and has stuck together to this very day, saying: we want a thriving community and spiritual home for Conservative Judaism here in Jersey City, here at B’nai Jacob. Well, count me in!
A little about me: I currently live in Brooklyn, NY with my partner Nicole (she’s an amazing shofar blower by the way, so get ready for the High Holidays 2019!). I come from Town & Village Synagogue in NYC where I served as the Rabbinic Artist-in-Residence creating diverse Jewish cultural events, and the Director of the Center for Conversion to Judaism mentoring individuals and couples from all backgrounds in the conversion process. There’s more to say and you can check out my full bio on our newly updated website, but suffice it to say—what I love most about this work is building meaningful connections between people and Judaism.
I feel blessed to now serve B’nai Jacob because together we can build meaningful connections at so many levels— whether through soulful prayer services, thought-provoking classes, social justice partnerships with our community neighbors, sharing in the joy of a couples’ chuppah or providing support for a family sitting shiva. While I feel incredibly honored to serve as your spiritual leader, I hope we will grow together, be creative with our outreach, and have some fun along the way! I’ll soon be reaching out to each of you and will be available regularly at rabbi@bnaijacobjc.com. Drop a line, let’s talk! I look forward to building a community with you and for you.
In the meantime, beginning in April—which is also the Hebrew month of Nissan and the holiday of Pesach (Passover), we will be relaunching monthly Friday Night, Kabbalat Shabbat services and hosting a model seder in partnership with Temple Emanu-El of Bayonne, NJ, more information coming soon. Whether you’re a long-time member of CBJ, a new member of CBJ, or you’re just getting acquainted with CBJ, the spirit of the Passover season is one of rebirth and renewal— I hope you’re as excited as I am for new beginnings!
Rabbi Bronwen