We have a lot of fun and meaningful events planned which you will be hearing about more, but just a sampling:

Thursday, 12/10 @6:30pm 1 Year Late: Reflection and Solidarity (a memorial and honoring of community on the 1 year anniversary of the kosher supermarket shooting in our neighborhood in Jersey City. In partnership with the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.)
Thursday, 12/10 is the first night of Hannukah in 2020, and it’s hard to believe that it is also the yahrtzeit (year anniversary) of the tragic deaths of the four innocent souls whose lives were taken in an act of gun violence and antisemitism in Greenville, Jersey City. One year later, our multi-ethnic, multi-cultural community has forged collaborations and friendships that are creating a brighter future for our neighborhood, and B’nai Jacob, our synagogue, has been a leader in the Jewish community for doing that work. Our president, Michael Zwain, and committee including Vice President Carla Main and Rebecca Shapiro, have put together an immense program of solidarity and reflection for this first night of Hannukah. We join together in partnership with The Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey and guest speakers including Assemblywoman Angela McKnight, Pamela Johnson (Executive Director of the Anti-Violence Coalition Movement of Hudson County), Rabbis Leana Moritt and Rob Scheinberg, Satmar activist Chesky Deutsch, Jason Shames (CEO of Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey) as well as Mayor Fulop, NJ Attorney General Gurbir-Grewal, Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez, representatives from the JCPD and music by our Chazzan Carolyn Light and Elder Ericka Streeter-Adams. ZOOM webinar information is on the flyer above. Looking forard to being with you. Thursday, December 10 @6:30pm

Saturday, 12/12 6:00pm-7:30pm: Lucy’s Latkes with the Marione Mamas, Donut Baking with Bennett, and Rum-y Butter-y cocktails with Nina and Graeme! This will be a ZOOM/ Cooking-Show style where there will plenty of time to kibbitz with your community, and also learn a thang or two about making some sweet treats!

Saturday, 12/12 @7:30pm Havdalah and Hannukah Concert with Nefesh Mountain- contemporary Jewish Bluegrass!
Please see details below for how to register and get your free ticket (B’nai Jacob is an official sponsor so everyone’s ticket is free AS LONG as you follow the instructions and register ON TIME
Step 1: Register for the Concert
Head over to http://www.nefeshmountain.com/hanukkahlive2020 to register for your ticket to the show!
Step 2: Claim your ticket with nugs.net
On December 10 you will receive an email from the streaming site nugs.net with a link and personalized code for your free ticket. Once you have the code head over to 2nu.gs/register to create a free account with nugs.net. Once your account is created, you can redeem your ticket at 2nu.gs/codes with your provided code.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO REGISTER FOR NEFESH MOUNTAIN CONCERT BY 5PM December 10! If you wait till December 11, tickets are $10, but free until 5PM Deember 10 since B’nai Jacob is a sponsor.
Step 3: Enjoy the show!
Monday, 12/14 @5:45pm The B’nai Jacob Feline Players (yes, our cats!) do a Hannukah candle-lighting with PJ Library! Trust, you won’t wanna miss it!

Wednesday, 12/16 @6:30pm Candle Lighting with our friends Kol Tzedek- The Premiere Social Justice Synagogue in West Philly!
Thursday, 12/17 @8pm Hannukah Trivia with our very own SISTER MARY HELEN!!
Looking forward to being with you to honor this holiday of lights, and in commemoration of those lives lost one year ago, and how we pledge to make to make more ight in this world in honor of their memory. May this be a year, despite it all, in which we continue to seek and create more light.
Hugs and blessings R’B