The Ninth of Av

Nine days from now Jewish communities around the world will sit together mourning on Tisha B’Av. It is the bleakest fast of our calendar, commemorating the destruction of both Temple in Jerusalem ( in 586 BCE and 70 CE), defeat of the Bar Kochba rebellion, expulsion of Jews from England in 1290 and Spain 1492, and the day on which Himmler was given the permission for ” The Final Solution” instructing the extermination of European Jews.

We need to mark this period with focus and purpose.
It’s a time that involves reflection , imagination and actions!
Rabbi Sacks said: “The news is about today. But the great faiths remind us of yesterday and tomorrow. Memory and Hope, is about our past and about our future.”
We need the principles of humanity and equality more than ever to beat this incredible time of anger and persecution.